A little bit of sass, a whole lot of heart, sprinkle in some self-care and positive mindset, wrap it in a slightly irreverent sisterhood of fun, and you’ve got Finally Effing Happy! Happiness Coach, Shannon Klenk shares her personal journey, countless happiness hacks, self-care strategies, and inspirational interviews to encourage you along your own journey to joy. This is NOT a podcast about ill-ness. It’s about living joy-FULLY with chronic illness as a busy, can-do woman with kids, jobs, friends, feelings, and dreams of our own. You know a lot about you. This podcast will unlock & ignite that knowing through positive mindset and practical action. Shannon will show you how to build a self-care super structure while nurturing a healing mindset for chronic illness recovery so that you can live with joy, purpose, and energy. If you are a woman living with chronic illness, you are amazing. You do amazing things day-in and day-out. Shannon is passionate about bringing us together to celebrate, motivate and share. Sisterhood can make all the difference in a day. This will be the most fun & practical chronic illness support group you’ve ever found. Hi - I’m Shannon, Happiness Coach and Self-Care Strategist. My Primary Immunodeficiency (PI) Disease wasn’t properly diagnosed until my early 40’s. That means I’ve spent much of my life sick. I was an exhausted, single-parent, working full-time, somehow showing up day-in, day-out taking care of those around me. I know what it’s like to dig deep and get into action when every fiber of your body doesn’t want to. I know what it means to take a stand for my own happiness, and be willing to move toward it. Slowly. Steadily. But surely. If you are an amazing kick ass woman who somehow shows up day-in and day-out, taking care of your family, friends, careers, and communities, all while living with chronic illness, I hope you will come join this heartfelt sisterhood for inspiration, strength, and, yes, happiness! Learn >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com Community >>> https://bit.ly/FinallyEffingHappyGroup Email List >>> https://bit.ly/FinallyEffingHappyEmailList Work with Shannon >>> https://bit.ly/FinallyEffingHappyWithShannon

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Luisa Morrone, Founder of My Way of Eating, is a firecracker! Her story is inspiring and her energy is infectious. She lost 145 lbs, reversed Type 2 Diabetes, and lives with the energy and joy she always dreamed of. She is a wealth of knowledge and practical tips to help you make choices that will change your life. She will have you believing you can do it too… whatever it is! You can do it!
How to connect with Luisa:
Facebook: Luisa Morrone
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mywayofeatingcanbeyourwayofeating
TicTok: mwayofeating
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mwayofeating
How to connect with Happiness Coach, Shannon Klenk:
Everything Finally Effing Happy >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect with Shannon >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Instagram >>> @FinallyEffingHappy
Community >>> bit.ly/FinallyEffingHappyGroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList (heehee)
Work with Shannon >>> bit.ly/WorkingwithShannon
Free 60 Min EFT with Shannon >>> https://bit.ly/eftwithshannon2021
Episode Sponsor:
Kat Correa >>> https://www.yourinspiredwords.com
IG >>> @YourInspiredWords
Facebook Group >>> The Soulfire Collective

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Morning routines boost happiness, reduce stress, increase productivity and create a solid foundation to launch you into your day. But it can be hard to create an effective one, let alone stick to it. As I am re-tooling my morning routine now that none of my kids are at home, I thought I’d share some of my favorite tips for transforming your morning routine. Here are a few key takeaways from today’s episode:
- You have a morning routine, it just may not be very supportive.
- There are things you cannot change about your morning, but you DO have influence and impact on what you pack into your morning routine.
- An ‘alarm’ is designed to trigger your fight or flight instinct. Think about that; maybe not the most peaceful way to start your day.
- Feel all four corners of your feet on the floor, the very first thing, to ground you into your day.
- The synapsis in your brain will fire differently if you do NOT look at your cell phone first thing.
- Both a short routine and long routine can meet all your essential start-your-day needs.
- Don’t give up on a morning routine just because you aren’t a morning person.
- Commitment to your morning routine begins the night before.
- Hydration, movement, mediation - some is better than none.
- Pick one area of improvement in your morning routine and just work on that one thing.
- Perfection is NOT the goal!
How to connect with Happiness Coach, Shannon Klenk:
Everything Finally Effing Happy >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect with Shannon >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Instagram >>> @FinallyEffingHappy
Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList (heehee)
Work with Shannon >>> bit.ly/WorkingwithShannon
Befriend Your Inner Critic - Registration Page:
Kat Correa
Instagram >>> @thesoulfirecollective_

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Firing on All Cylinders! The Essentials to Living at Your Best! With Heidi Bramm, Holistic Lifestyle Strategist
Essential oils, reducing your toxic load, nourishment for cellular health, rejuvenating rest and so much more!
This interview with Heidi Bramm is chock full of tangible, practical tips on how to FEEL and BE better. Here area few takeaways:
- Four core areas of health: nutrition, movement, rest, reducing your toxic load.
- Rest is different from sleep and equally important.
- Rest is super productive because we are busy recharging our battery.
- Essential oils can help balance, calm and relax.
- Essential oils can have both a physical health and mental health benefits.
- When using essential oils its super important to use medicinal grade products (reach out to Heidi if you need more info on that).
- Your body is a gigantic filter. Be aware of what you put it in, on it, around it.
- Healing and health at a cellular level is possible.
- Celery juice… need I say more.
- The more colorful your food, the more antioxidants. Antioxidants are the good guys, replenishing goodness in your body. Free radicals are the bad guys stealing the good stuff.
- Small changes can make a big difference in reducing inflammation.
How to connect with Heidi Bramm, Holistic Life Strategist:
Click Here for Free Essential Oils Workshop
Book a Prophetic Heart Healing Here
Podcast: https://tinyurl.com/coveredbeloved
How to connect with Happiness Coach, Shannon Klenk:
Everything Finally Effing Happy >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect with Shannon >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Instagram >>> @FinallyEffingHappy
Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList (heehee)
Work with Shannon >>> bit.ly/WorkingwithShannon
Today's Sponsor:
Kat Correa - Your Inspired Words!
Instagram >>> @thesoulfirecollective_

Monday Aug 16, 2021
16. 10 Tips to Curb Your Post-Vacation or End of Summer Blues
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Do you ever feel blah for days on end after you get home from vacation? Or even just now as kids go back to school and we approach the end of summer?
Here are 10 super practical tips to curb those post vacation blues and dive back into your happiness lifestyle, enjoying the fruits of authentic positive thinking and stellar self-care!
Today's Takeaways:
- Post vacation blues are real; but be mindful of who you seek support from.
- Plan ahead, if, and where, you can.
- Get your body moving but give yourself time to rebuild after you get home.
- Jet lag, flight fatigue, car exhaustion is real - and although you are close to being a super woman, you too will be affected by them.
- Buy a water bottle, mug, or glass to hydrate from when you get home.
- Have something from your trip to trip your senses.
- Intentionally reminisce over photos during coffee or dinner.
- Incorporate little things into your day that intentionally bring you joy.
- Don’t take it out on others.
- The 72 Hour Rule!
Connect with Shannon:
Learn >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Instagram >>> https://www.instagram.com/finallyeffinghappy/
Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappyemaillist

Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Are you ready to shine? In this interview, Brigette Heller, founder of The Strong and Capable, explores how to change your thoughts in order to change your life, regardless of, yet deeply aware of, what is going on around you. She shares her transformation through anxiety, postpartum depression, trauma and physical pain to self-care, creativity, grace and honesty… all while finding the beauty in the brokenness. This honest and open interview will surely inspire and ignite your own journey to joy in the face of life’s everyday challenge and stress. Key takeaways:
- You have the power to change your thoughts and rewrite your life.
- The moment you say, “Don’t need that; I’m good,” and let it go is often the moment you get the thing you are seeking.
- True strength is knowing when to push, knowing when to pull; knowing when to keep going, knowing when to rest, knowing how to keep your tank full instead of empty.
- You are not serving the people you love when you sacrifice your own self-care.
- Boundaries are critical to self-care.
- Life is not lived in the extremes. It is lived in the middle.
- You have so much knowledge within you. It’s less about learning new tools and more about putting the tools you have into action.
- Healing comes from the inside out.
- Journaling is the bridge between your mind and your heart.
- It’s really ok to rock it!
- Your most authentic self is your most beautiful self.
- And, of course, GLITTER shines brighter than gold BECAUSE it is broken.
Brigette Heller, The Strong and Capable
Instagram >>> @brigette.heller
The Strong and Capable Facebook Page >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/628549991097806
Awake Community >>> https://www.thestrongandcapable.com/awake
Shannon Klenk, Happiness Coach & Self-Care Strategist
Learn >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappyemaillist

Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Gentle, inspiring and jam packed with practical tips! Maria McKeon, Founder of Maria McKeon Wellness, shares her journey through eating disorders to physical and spiritual health & wellness. We discuss stepping out of your comfort zone, quieting the inner critic, the power of sharing, how to take yoga off the yoga mat and into your life, and so much more. You are going to love her gentle, calm spirit. She is a true Finally Effing Happy Warrior.
Where to find Maria:
Facebook Group >>> https://www.facebook.com/maria.mckeon.9
Instagram >>> @its_mariamckeon
Where to find Shannon:
Learn >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Instagram >>> https://www.instagram.com/finallyeffinghappy/
Facebook Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList
Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Leave a Review >>> 860-385-1088

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Stop managing your time and start managing your bandwidth! My guess is you have less time and less energy than you would like. If that’s you, ditch the time management and start managing your bandwidth. You know you best. You know what you do and don’t have capacity for. Be honest with yourself! Schedule your self-care first. Start by writing down your fundamental needs. Because there is zero sustainability if you are not taking care of your self-care needs first. Behind every no there is a yes. And mindset strategies are as important to bandwidth management as smart calendaring skills. You are enough! You are doing enough! Calendar with a nourishing, nurturing heart.
Learn >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList
Voicemail >>> 860-385-1088

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Never Let Disability Keep You From Your Dreams!
Managing Medical Care to Mindset… & Everything In-Between
An Interview with Alison Hayes, Founder of Thriving While Disabled
Alison Hayes, Founder of Thriving While Disabled, is as passionate as I am that dreams are possible even if you live with chronic illness.
In this interview we talk about everything from managing medical care to mindset… including, prioritizing, finding doctor right, information overload, social welfare systems, and staying in the now. She talks honestly about the embarrassment and shame people can have when needing to learn more about social welfare programs. She is a font of personal and professional knowledge to help you on your chronic illness journey so that you, too, can live your dreams, even if, especially if, you live with a chronic condition. A few takeaways from today’s episode:
- Start where you are at and work from there.
- Online communities and organizations specific to your diagnosis are a good place to start, and anchor yourself, when gathering information.
- Use google docs or notes to list your two or three go-to websites so when you are in the middle of brain fog you can quickly and clearly find those references.
- Social welfare programs like Disability, SSI, Snap Benefits, may be a part of your health equation, and, although there may be some embarrassment or shame about getting more information, it’s ok to ask for help.
- Treat your chronic illness management like a job.
- It helps to stay in right now. In other words, don’t live in the ‘wreckage of your future’, getting anxious about things that have not happened and may never happen.
- Beyond your health management, pick one thing you really love, and just do that one thing for right now.
- Your goal is to see the fewest number of doctors possible while being the best health possible.
- Don’t let your chronic illness keep you from living the life of your dreams.
Where to find Alison >>>www.thrivingwhiledisabled.com
Facebook Group >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/207663193339740
Instagram >>> https://www.instagram.com/thrivingw.disabled/
Twitter >>> @Thrivingwdisabl
Where to find Shannon & Finally Effing Happy:
Learn More >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Facebook Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList
Voicemail >>> 860-385-1088

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
How do you start your day when you feel like crap? Especially when you are feeling like crap because you made some bad choices…. like Hershey Bars and Graham Cracker Ice Cream. YUM! Shan had a sugar-fest, for a few weeks, and is paying for it dearly.
It can be food. It can be lack of sleep. It can be doing too much. As women living with chronic conditions, we make dozens of choices each day that impact how well, or not, we are going to feel physically. Which then impacts how much we like ourselves and how much we can get done.
If you want more self-compassion and less self-critic, have a listen to these 3 top tricks for resetting your mindset, getting into motion, and turning the corner so you feel better (or at least well enough to get your day started!) both mentally and physically.
Learn >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList

Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Multi-passionate, multi-talented Neema Black is not your average vegan!
There is NO cardboard tasting food here. And NO hard core ‘you have to change everything, right now, in order to be healthy’ here. Neema’s passion for making plants the primary source of your fuel is infectious and judgement-free.
As she says, “Our relationship with food is complicated!” She’s filled with practical tips, suggestions and ideas while inspiring with joy and her harmonious spirit! If you need creative ways to get more plant-based foods into your diet in a way that is really, really doable for you and your chronic illness, Neema is an amazing resource!
Takeaways from today’s episode:
~People can give you advice and tips, but at the end of the day, you be you.
~You deserve to do that thing that lights you up, JUST BECAUSE it lights you up. You don’t need to have any other reason than that!
~Everyone has a wellness journey.
~Open mindedness helps in our relationship with food.
~Look for the lesson.
~Know when it’s time to rest.
~Sometimes you need to say, “What the f*#!,” but that doesn’t mean you aren’t grateful.
~Shoulding on yourself is contrary to self-love.
~Our relationship with food is complicated.
~Infuse your food with positivity.
~Be intentional about having joy in your life every day.
Where to find Neema:
Cooking Demos & The 90 Days to Wellness Plant-Based Eating Program >>> www.harmonicsoulwellness.com
Instagram >>> https://www.instagram.com/neema_sings
Facebook Group: Harmonious Living and Eating >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/276037280288948
Where to find Shannon & Finally Effing Happy:
Learn >>> www.finallyeffinghappy.com
Connect >>> finallyeffinghappy@gmail.com
Community >>> bit.ly/finallyeffinghappygroup
Email List >>> https://bit.ly/TheEffingEmailList
Leave a voice review >>> 860-385-1088